If you are web developer, or someone want to learn web development, You should embrace the fact that it takes a lot of time in researching and find resources on the Internet as a self-starter. Here is something that I feel its very important to document all the resources that I found helpful as a learning source to help someone like me to save time and obviously money. Because Internet is a big ! and might get lost in the wild finding that gem. Let me know if you have some good sources too.. so that it can be helpful for others too.
Learn Web Development using this resources :
Sass Guidelines – https://sass-guidelin.es/
CSS Selector – https://flukeout.github.io/
Learn how CSS Selector works with animation !
Grid – https://cssgridgarden.com/
Learn Grid CSS as gardener !
Flexbox – https://flexboxfroggy.com/
Learn Flexbox in CSS as a Frog !
Learn about this famous text editor across a game ! Yes in fact it’s possible !
Regex 🔣
Who loves and know 100 % about Regex ? Yes it’s a pain to learn this and apply them.
Across these both ressources you will :
Learn Regex
CheatList about Regex Pattern (email, password, phone number, ect..)
Javascript 🖥️
Just one ressource about Javascript, I will share with you the BEST ressource about learning javascript Properly
Git :
Git Book – https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
Learn Git Branching – https://learngitbranching.js.org
React JS
- Reactjs Official Docs – https://reactjs.org/docs/
React Bootstrap
- Typescript for Nodejs Developers (Course)-https://www.linkedin.com/learning/typescript-for-node-js-developers
Nextjs Docs – https://nextjs.org/docs/getting-started
Node Begineer – https://www.nodebegineer.org
For Quering DB :
How to Graphql – https://www.howtographql.com/
Graphql Specs Docs – https://spec.graphql.org/
Online Code Editors :
Code Sandbox – https://codesandbox.io
Youtube Channels :
This channels have some real good content related to web development and latest technologies
CodeEvolution – https://www.youtube.com/c/Codevolution/playlists